Saturday, December 11, 2010

Simple Flower Mehndi Tattoo

Flower Mehndi Tattoo Designs Collection

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sun and Moon Belly Button Tattoos

Suns and moons that are created through the abdomen are some of the most popular tattoos. They are often depicted through the abdomen, around the belly button, depicting a ring around the belly button that can include elements of both the sun and moon through the style, allowing you to create a tattoo that is sure to shine throughout the style and design of the tattoo.
Where can you find inspiration for the sun and moon tattoos that can be designed around the belly button? To find inspiration for these designs, there are many pieces of tribal work that can be examined. Using the tribal art can be an effective way to create a modern design that includes traditional elements and can give the person that has chosen to get the tattoo the option of completing the tattoo in color, or creating the tattoo in black or another dark color throughout the design.
There are many styles and options that are available when it comes to the tattoos that can be chosen. More and more people are seeking styles and designs that include elements of the sun and moon and with the rise in popularity, there are more designs than eve that can be chosen from while you are trying to make the decision of which tattoo is best suited to your needs for a belly tattoo.

How to Deal with Aging Tattoos

Tattoos are a great choice through the youth but more and more people are concerned about tattoos that they are getting with age. As the skin ages and begins to lose the elasticity that is associated with the production of collagen in the skin it is important to realize that the skin will become wrinkled and begin to lose its tone, therefore having an effect on the tattoo that has been designed on the skin.
What should you consider when it comes to getting a tattoo on the skin? As well as the loss of skin tone through the depletion of collagen, it is important to consider the fading that may occur over time as well as the blurring of the edges on the tattoo that has been designed. These common signs of aging are likely to create an effect on the tattooed skin that may become an eyesore through age.
Many times, you can choose tattoos in areas that will be less likely to succumb to the signs of aging through the skin. Avoiding trouble areas like the abdomen or the hips and choosing tattoos that are going to be placed on the arms, the wrist and even the ankle can help to ensure that there is going to be little sagging through the area of the skin where the tattoo has been placed, helping to retain the appearance of the tattoo that has been designed on the skin.
Using anti aging products and ensuring that the tattoo has been placed in the right area can be the most effective way to ensure that the right decision has been made when it comes to the tattoo.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Cute Angel Tattoos

Women Angel Tattoo Designs

Human beings have held a true fascination toward angels since the dawn of time. Even in this day and age of scientific evidence that covers most aspects of life, many people still choose to believe in the benevolent force of angels. As the ultimate sign of respect to this guardian, they may even elect to have a piece of body art dedicated to them.

Friday, December 3, 2010

While angel tattoos are quite popular with females

While angel tattoos are quite popular with females, an increasing amount of men have also used the angel as part of a design that usually signifies loss or pays tribute to another. In women, the angel is often seen innocently sitting on a cloud, playing harps, or serving as a guardian watching over their every move. Depending on the meaning of this type of tattoo, an angel is also used to illustrate retaliation and revenge, as seen in the avenging angel.

Women Tribal Tattoos

Are you searching for the perfect women tribal tattoos ? Then you’ve come to the right place. You might have a general idea about what you want, but I’m sure you’ll like to learn more about women tribal tattoos to make a final decision about your perfect match in tribal tattoos. Let me tell you more about tribal tattoos.Women Tribal Tattoos

Since tribal tattoos are a celebration of cultural diversity all over the world, the different kinds of tribal tattoo designs originate from different cultures around the world.

Let’s take the Maori tribal tattoo for instance. It originated from the Maori people of New Zealand and is also known as the “moko” of the Maori people. This tattoo has a spiral pattern to it, therefore it is used for enhancing the natural contour or expression on the face of an individual.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Japanese Tattoo Pictures

Japanese dragons mean different things to different people, and tattoo culture in the modern United States seems to be morphing away from what dragons represented in traditional Japanese texts, like the Kojiki and Nihongi that were written all the way back in 7th and 8th century Japan and earlier.

Body Art Tattoos – Tattoo Magazine

Body art is very broad term which includes ear piercing to a funky tattoo, painting or you can say everything related to skin decoration. Today there is a craze among college students especially to get a funky tattoo done. Having a body art done is a means to express themselves and their individuality.
Besides piercing and tattooing body painting is growing in popularity as a body art form. Body art painting treats human body as a blank canvas, and beautiful crafty colorful pictures are drawn on it. Although this artistry may not be your drawing room’s show case they are still splendid.
These days companies have employed a new marketing funda of using body painting as a form of advertising. Many advertisements showcase the models with company logos painted onto their bodies.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Oprah Winfrey Tattoo Oprah Winfrey pic

Oprah Gail Winfrey (born Kosciusko, Mississippi, January 29, 1954) is a television presenter, actress, entrepreneur, producer and American Book Review.

A Laser Tattoo Removal Works Pic

Unlike what some people imagine with laser tattoo removals and the myth of the skin being burned, it is actually a simple process of the laser making short pulses of intense light which passes through the top layers of the skin. This passing is basically absorbed by the tattoo pigments. The energy fragments the pigments into small pieces, which are later, naturally removed by the body's immune system. Intense research in laser tattoo removing has been done to find the ideal frequency to remove the skin's pigments, so that the original pigment of the skin will remain unaffected.
Usually the black pigments within the tattoo are removed first because black is a color that tends to absorb all types of laser wavelengths. The other colors only absorb a certain type of wavelengths, and thus, specific types of wavelength must be input to get rid of those colors. To successfully "force" the pigments to absorb the wavelengths, the doctors will also request the patient to take non-aspirin painkiller to reduce any uncomfortable circumstances such as headaches and partial pains. Some patients might also be recommended to put anesthetic cream about 120 minutes prior to the operation

Tattoo Me Now - Is It A Scam?

If You are about to get a new tattoo, stop and think for a moment whether you have the right tattoo design. Unfortunately, these days many people rush in to the tattoo salon, choose a design at the last minute, and then have this tattooed onto their body. What they don't think about, is that in 20 years, that tattoo will still be there - and hence if they regret their decision, it will be difficult to remove the tattoo.

Therefore, the topic of tattoo selection and tattoo design is extremely important. Thankfully, one product is allowing us to get it right the first time. Tattoo Me Now is an exceptional website, whereby you are able to choose a unique tattoo design from over 3500 entries. Once you've chosen the design, it gets removed from the website, so that nobody else can use it.

This means that you have a unique tattoo design, without the expense of getting one custom made.
Why A Unique Tattoo Is Important

Just imagine walking down the street, and seeing someone with exactly the same tattoo as you. No doubt, you would be feeling a little bit confused and dismayed. This is no surprise. When we get tattoo's, we understand that the very fact that a design is permanently inscribed in our bodies, should mean that it is completely unique. Therefore, if you see someone else with exactly the same tattoo, it could make you feel a little bit uncomfortable.

With the Tattoo Me Now product, this will never happen. Firstly, the audience and members of Tattoo Me Now are truly universal. Because this is an online tattoo gallery, people from any country in the world are able to visit and find the correct tattoo. Secondly, the fact that a particular design is removed from the website once you choose it, means that there is very little chance that someone will have the same as you.

Finally, the best thing about Tattoo Me Now is that the design you choose will come with the template, and design file. This means that if you want your tattoo artist to make a few changes, you absolutely can. Hence, you will not have to pay for a complete tattoo design, but instead just a customization of one which has already had the base work done to it.